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Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Frozen Shoulder Treatment Yields Positive Results
I woke one morning in late April 2013 feeling like i had slept on my shoulder wrong, it just wasn’t “right”. I waited a while to see if...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Grip Strength and Technique
Grip is one of the most influential movements in shoulder stability. However, it is the most overlooked. Grabbing an object is something...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
The 6th Element (SLEEP)
Sleeping Well This is one of the most critical elements in our lives. It can make us great or it can slow us down and make us sick....

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Staying Healthy with Foam Rolling
Foam rolling is a relatively new concept to most athletes. Many people have heard about it in passing, but they do not really know the...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Home Remedies for the Summer
Sometimes we all get wrapped up in the popular science of the latest and greatest cure all. It has been that way since the beginning of...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Vitamin D and Cod Liver Oil
With the winter months upon us, we need to start thinking about vitamin D supplementation. The best method of obtaining vitamin D is...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Why Barefoot Running is Good for YOU
Humans did, and can run comfortably without the use of modern running shoes. In our last newsletter we talked about how the surfaces we...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Barefoot Running
The topic of bare foot running has been a hot and controversial topic for a long time which was re-ignited by the book Born to Run. This...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Seasonal Affective Disorder
If you are anything like me, right now you are looking forward to spring and warm sunshiny days that it brings. We hate to be closed up...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Median Nerve Compression)
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder affecting the median nerve as it courses through the wrist. “Estimates suggest that around 1 in 10...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
The “Whole” Food Way of Things…
Whole food nutrition has recently become a popular BUZZ word in the food world and throughout the conservative healthcare fields. i.e. –...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Bone Health: Are your bones ready for your future?
There are so many ways that one can and should be healthy. One area that we tend to neglect is our skeletal system, until it becomes...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Multivitamins – Fact or Fiction
So what are multivitamins? Many of us take them, but do we really know what is in them? ~Multivitamins are a mixture of individual...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Eating Well with Community Sustainable Agriculture
The summer gives us nice weather, excuses to drink margaritas by the pool, and fresh produce. I know you all know how to enjoy the first...

Dr. AJ Gagliardi
Simple Steps to a Healthy Back
This month’s newsletter segues from May’s newsletter. I have included postures and movements that when done throughout your day will...
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